The Complete SLR Digital Photography Camera Course

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Price: $19.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details
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After buying almost every book I could get on photography and borrowing tonnes from the library as well I was starting to think I would never be able to take good photos. This Dvd was a lifesaver, I could learn the settings and then go back over when I didn't quite get it, I almost never shoot on auto now after years of using my Canon 40d as an expensive point and shoot. Don't do what I did and wasted loads of money on books, get Bryan Peterson's, Understanding Exposure and this Dvd and you will improve 100% --Amazon
Excellent course, covered everything I needed to know and more plus its renewed my interest in photography again, I've bought a few of the recomended lenses and I can notice a huge difference in my images. --Amazon
Good solid course, covered everything from the settings on my camera to composition of photos, I'm not about to turn pro, but I've finally figured out how to shoot my son's soccer games properly. Highly recommended! A+ --Amazon
The complete SLR Digital Photography course has everything you need to start to learn to shoot quality professional photos in a little under 2 hours. * It s complete with professional settings; find out how the pro s set up their camera so you are shooting with exactly the same settings. * This camera course is suitable to learn photography on most SLR camera models, Canon, Nikon, Sony ect.. * The photography course encompasses these subjects delivered over DVD. * How to achieve those tack sharp photos* The fundamentals of a good shot, if you abide by these simple rules you will always have great shots.* How to reduce Camera Shake, (one of the biggest problems in photography * How to shoot in Raw * How to hold your camera properly to shoot handheld in low light situations * How to compose your picture properly using the rule of thirds * How to compose using leading lines * ISO and which settings are best * Aperture how to use it properly to achieve professional results. * How professionals use cropping to improve their photos. * How to remove unwanted items from your photo. * Correct use of timers and remote controls. * Reflectors, how to use them to get that professional look in portraits. * How the pros use exposure bracketing to always get the right exposure * Using exposure compensation to get the right exposure in tricky situations.* Camera modes explained and how to use each one correctly. * Metering modes explained and how you can use them to make sure you always the perfect shot * How to frame your picture properly, filling the frame and using natural frames * How professionals use burst/continuous mode to always get that perfectly times shot. * Corrrect use of focus lock and its use in composition. * Proper settings for compression and quality * Camera sensors explained and which ones are best for landscape or portraits * Noise and the best ways to reduce it * And much more...